Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024): Weaving Knowledges Old and New (Indigenous / Hip Hop / Métis Knowledge & Methods)

Our second open issue promised to bring new engagements into the lives and minds of teachers. We begin the issue with the work of Danyluk, Wessel, James-Thomas, and Trout whose work illuminates the ways teachers can more effectively incorporate Indigenous knowledges into their teaching and Indigenous methods into their classrooms. McLaurin challenges teachers to view hip hop as a form of historical storytelling that can enrich and enliven their classrooms and to connect with their students. Finally, Jarvis shares insights from her work as a Métis scholar to illustrate how teachers can connect and engage in a "wholistic" process aimed at offering a Métis approach to teaching and learning about place and language.
Photo by Shawn Celavie on Unsplash